“It’s a boy!” 聽到這句話應該是我們這一胎最大的驚喜。(我真的以為會是一個女生!)現在家裡有兩倍的小孩,兩倍的小男生們,兩倍的挑戰(或麻煩?)
“It’s a boy!” That was probably our biggest surprise when Dylan was born. We have now doubled the amount of children we had just a few weeks ago. Double the amount of BOYS in the family. And does that mean double the trouble?!?!
While we’re still adjusting to life as a family of four, I have taken inventory of some of the things which have doubled since Egan got a little brother. Parents of multiple children, maybe y’all feel the same? Or maybe I’m missing something?
Things which have doubled since Dylan was born:
Double the stress about parenting and if we’re doing it right/wrong.
Double the anxiety about the health and safety of these two boys.
Double the questions about how to raise these two boys into decent human beings.
Double the fun(ny business) - just when we thought we had a good handle on one kid, the second addition really keeps us on our toes. And keeps us laughing.
Double the photos. No, make that TRIPLE the photos.
Double the waste. And by waste, I’m not talking about plastic or other non-recyclables. I’m literally talking about poop. My boys can really erm… keep us busy with their bowel movements.
Double the grey hairs. Probably. Who’s counting? Not me. Definitely not me. (37 as of this morning.)
Double the love - check. (Awwww….)
-生活用品:我們會儘量保持極簡,家裡也沒有大兩倍,所以只好不要讓東西增加太多,很多東西可以重複使用。Egan有很多二手的東西可以給Dylan用(嬰兒床、衣服、 尿布台、寶寶包巾、棉被、媽媽的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ等)
Things which have NOT doubled since then:
Sleep. Nope. Sleep has been halved if anything.
Stuff - We’re trying to keep things as minimalistic as possible. Most things are second hand from Egan (crib, clothes, swaddles, blankets, mom’s boobies…).
Which also means that our COSTS haven’t doubled (yet anyway).
-基本消耗品: 尿布、濕紙巾、奶瓶頭、消毒品等。
-汽座跟嬰兒推車:有兩個小孩之後,我們的手真的是不夠。會需要從A到B、B到C、C到Z。 有兩個推車卻不夠多手可能不是那麼實際,所以我們升級到一台可以讓兩個小孩一起坐,或是可以讓Egan像騎單車一樣,可以自由選擇站著或坐著,累的時候可以休息一下。
所以呢,雙倍小孩不代表雙倍麻煩。我們的手/背/腿/腰 也是需要放假的。哈哈
There are a few things which needed to be upgraded or which we definitely need to buy however:
Disposable items like diapers, wipes, nipples for baby bottles, sanitizers, etc...
Car seat and stroller. Sometimes, you just need a little help shuttling these things from point A to point B, and rather than have TWO strollers, we’ve upgraded to a stroller which works with two kids. And, the best part is it has TWO options for Egan: sitting, or standing at the back like he’s riding a scooter! Because… our arms need a little break sometimes too!
UPPAbaby Taiwan
#UPPAbabyVista #UPPAbabyTaiwan #雙寶必備
同時也有670部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅cook kafemaru,也在其Youtube影片中提到,板チョコで絶品濃厚!!ガトーショコラ バレンタインにも! Chocolate Cake (Gateau au Chocolat Recipe) Moist and thick chocolate cake. The important point is not to bake too much! I...
double in c 在 肥媽 Maria cordero Facebook 八卦
📌Butterfly cut 牛柳
SANISWISS 🇨🇭消毒除油除味(只限香港)
20201226 live Recipe ❤️❤️❤️
特別鳴謝Easycook 義工團😘😘😘
📌 急凍龍蝦尾4隻(用雙手揸住龍蝦尾的兩邊屈幾下將它屈鬆像按摩一樣. 再用尖嘴剪刀在龍蝦尾的”背部”正中間位剪開殼,一直剪到最尾一格只要剪小小便停. 然後用手指伸入龍蝦尾的”底部”用力頂龍蝦肉出來,直至到尾段停止)
📌 百里香
📌 黑胡椒少許
📌 鹽少許(不要太多因爲海鮮本身已經有咸味)
📌 鷹嘴豆- 1 罐(瀝乾水,用鑊漢乾。如果用生的豆,要浸過夜後及煮淋)
📌 菠菜或其他綠色菜用來做餡料的封口
📌 芝士(任何芝士都可以)
📌 鹽少許
📌 黑胡椒粉少許
2.將鷹嘴豆塞入每個龍蝦尾的空殼中, 用菠菜做封口塞住那些鷹嘴豆餡在內
3.將塞好餡料的龍蝦尾放在氣炸鍋中, 用200°C焗9分鐘, 如果想脆些就焗10分鐘
4.配菜方面: 在焗架上, 放上茄子片再放車厘茄在面, 鋪上蒜蓉(如素食者可用其他香草代替)再在上面鋪上芝士,加少許鹽和黑胡椒粉調味,然後焗10分鐘。也可以選擇”煎”. 食用前先噴些橄欖油在面。完成。
(YouTube video starts at 7:40.)
Lobster tails - 4 (Flex each lobster tail 5 times to massage it by holding both ends, cut the center of the top shell all the way to the fin with a pair of scissors, and stick a finger underneath the shell to loosen the meat, and gently place the meat on top of the shell. Pat dry.)
Seasoning ingredients:
Thyme - 4 small branches
Black pepper - to taste
Salt - to taste (but not too much because seafood has its own saltiness)
Olive oil
Stuffing ingredients:
Chickpeas - 1 can (drain out the water and pan fry a bit for drier texture or buy raw, soak overnight and cook until tender)
Spinach - or any greens to stuff the lobster tails
Side dish ingredients:
Eggplant - 1 (sliced vertically and into halves)
Cherry tomatoes - cut into halves
Garlic - minced or use herbs for vegetarian
Cheese - of your choice
Salt - to taste
Black pepper - to taste
1. Place a branch of thyme on each of the lobster tails. Sprinkle with black pepper and salt to taste. Spray a layer of olive oil on top.
2. Stuff each lobster tail with chickpeas inside the hollow shell. Seal off the stuffing with spinach.
3. Place stuffed lobster tails in the air fryer and cook for 9 minutes or 10 minutes for crispier texture at 200C (392F).
4. On a rack, place eggplant slices, cherry tomato, minced garlic or herbs for vegetarian, sprinkle cheese on top, add salt and black pepper to taste, and air fry for 10 minutes. Optional to bake, or pan fry them. Spray a layer of olive oil before serving.
韓國雪梨(大) 1個
細花膠筒 6、7條
川貝粉/碎 少量
冰糖 2粒
滾水 1/3杯
1. 花膠在前一晚預發:
2. 雪梨批皮、去心、切粒,放入燉煲內,加入沖洗過的冰糖、川貝粉花膠和杯1/3杯滾水,燉1至1個半小時便可食用。
English Version
Double Boiled Fish Maw “Chuan Bei“ with Pear and Rock Sugar
(YouTube video starts at 0:17.)
Fish Maw - 3 (Soak overnight in a pot of boiled water with ginger and 1 tbsp of cooking wine. Put weights on top of fish maws to avoid floating. Rub clean the interior of each fish maw.)
Asian pear - 1 (Peel the skin, and diced into cubes.)
Chuan Bei powder - or crushed into powder
Rock sugar - 2 small pieces (Washed)
Hot water - ½ cup
1. In a double boiler ceramic pot, add in Asian pear cubes, rock sugar, fish maw, and “Chuan Bei” powder, and put in the double boiler.
2. Cook for 1 hour.
Butterfly Cut牛柳
📌 厚切牛柳1件
📌 黑胡椒適量
📌 鹽適量
📌 橄欖油少許
📌 牛油少許
📌 蒜頭1粒
📌 Rosemary一小棵
📌 黑胡椒少許
📌 柚子芥辣少許
📌 麵粉少許
📌 牛奶半杯
📌 水少許
📌 白醋少許
1. 牛柳中間切開一半,但不要切到底,之後兩邊打開,做成蝴蝶形狀。
2. 準備碟,加入黑胡椒,鹽,把牛柳兩邊醃好。
3. 燒紅鑊,一定要燒紅,加入橄欖油,牛油,之後猛火煎牛柳,牛柳落鑊後不要郁動牛柳,直到煎到脆面,大約1分鐘,之後反轉再煎,放入蒜頭。按照自己喜歡熟度,上碟。
4. 鑊上放入rosemary稍為煎一煎,之後連同蒜頭放在牛柳上。
5. 鑊不用洗,稍為放涼,之後逐樣把醬汁材料一一落鑊煮滾,再加入碟上牛柳的肉汁一起煮滾,到自己喜歡的杰度熄火,最後把醬汁淋在牛柳上即成。
English Version
Butterfly Cut Beef Tenderloin
(YouTube video starts at 23:10.)
Beef tenderloin - (butterfly cut by slicing the tenderloin in the middle. Make sure both sides are equal in thickness but DO NOT cut through. Spread both pieces out in the shape of a butterfly. This will cook evenly without overdone.)
Seasoning ingredients:
Black pepper - to taste
Salt - to taste
Olive oil
Garlic - 1 clove (Only remove the outer layer of the skin. Keep the papery skin intact.)
Rosemary - 2 sprigs
Sauce ingredients:
Black pepper - whole pieces
Yellow mustard with seeds - 1 tbsp
Milk - enough to make a sauce
All purpose flour - enough to thicken sauce
White vinegar - to taste (for tangy sour taste)
Salt - to taste
Sauce from the resting tenderloin
Hot water - to adjust the consistency of the sauce if necessary
1. In a plate, add in black pepper, salt, and place one side of the butterflied beef tenderloin to marinate. Flip and marinate the other side.
2. Heat up a pan to very hot on HIGH heat. Add in olive oil, butter, beef tenderloin, and DO NOT touch it. Let it sit and sear to seal in the moisture.
3. Flip to the other side and do the same.
4. Add garlic and rosemary sprigs to the pan.
5. Remove the tenderloin once it reached your desired doneness. Transfer to a plate for it to rest and spoon hot butter over the tenderloin to baste it.
6. In the same pan with the leftover butter, add in whole black pepper, yellow mustard, a bit of all purpose flour, white vinegar, sauce from the resting tenderloin, and mix well. Set aside to serve with tenderloin.
double in c 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 八卦
肥彭聯同前外交大臣(1995-1997)Sir Malcolm Rifkind(亦係前英國國會國家安全委員會主席(2010-2015))兩個英國保守黨元老「舊電池」,發表聯合聲明,話咁樣:
//the proposed laws are a “comprehensive assault on the city’s autonomy, rule of law and fundamental freedoms” and “flagrant breach” of the Sino-British Joint Declaration that returned Hong Kong to China in 1997.//
//“If the international community cannot trust Beijing to keep its word when it comes to Hong Kong, people will be reluctant to take its word on other matters”//
而Sir Malcolm Rifkind就咁覺得:
//“This is the most serious threat to the people of Hong Kong that there has been from the Chinese Government since 1997. The people of Hong Kong need, and deserve, our support”//
(呢次係從1997年到今日,對Hong Kongers最嚴重嘅危機,佢地係極需要同應該得到我地嘅支援。)
Debbie Abrahams MP, former Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
Gareth Bacon MP
Andrew Bowie MP
Andrew Bridgen MP
Anthony Browne MP
Fiona Bruce MP, Chair of the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission
Chris Bryant MP, Member of the UK Foreign Affairs Committee
Alistair Carmichael MP, Liberal Democrats Foreign Affairs Spokesman
Wendy Chamberlain MP
Sarah Champion MP, Chair of the International Development Committee
Daisy Cooper MP
Rt. Hon Ed Davey MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and former Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
Geraint Davies MP
Dehenna Davison MP
Stephen Double MP
Peter Dowd MP, former Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury
Tim Farron MP, former Leader of the Liberal Democrats
Simon Fell MP
Rt. Hon Liam Fox MP, former Defence Secretary and International Trade Secretary
Rt. Hon Damian Green MP, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Cabinet Office
Jonathan Gullis MP
Andrew Gwynne MP, former Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
Antony Higginbottom MP
Wera Hobhouse MP
Kevin Hollinrake MP
Christine Jardine MP
Imran Khan MP
Daniel Kawczynski MP
Craig Mackinlay MP
Paul Maynard MP
Stewart M McDonald MP, Member of the UK Foreign Affairs Committee
Gagan Mohindra MP
Layla Moran MP
Kieran Mullen MP
Sarah Olney MP
Tom Randall MP
Rob Roberts MP
Bob Seely MP, Member of the UK Foreign Affairs Committee
Andrew Selous MP
Rt. Hon Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP, former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Leader of the Conservative Party
Alyn Smith MP, Scottish Nationalist Party Spokesman on International Affairs
Jamie Stone MP
Tom Tugendhat MP, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee
Jamie Wallis MP
James Wild MP
Munira Wilson MP
Lord Alton of Liverpool
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle, former Leader of the Green Party
Rt. Hon Baroness Boothroyd of Sandwell, former Speaker of the House of Commons
Lord Hannay of Chiswick, former UK Ambassador to the United Nations
Lord Hogan-Howe of Sheffield, former Metropolitan Police Commissioner
Rt. Hon Lord Howard of Lympne, former Home Secretary and Leader of the Conservative Party
Baroness Kennedy QC of the Shaws
Rt. Hon Lord King of Bridgewater, former Defence Secretary and Northern Ireland Secretary
Ross Greer MSP, Scottish Green External Affairs Spokesperson
Rt. Hon John Bercow, former Speaker of the House of Commons and former MP
Rt. Hon David Miliband, former Foreign Secretary and MP
Rt. Hon Rory Stewart, former Secretary of State for International Development and former MP
Rt. Hon Jack Straw, former Foreign Secretary, Home Secretary, and Justice Secretary and former MP
Sir David Manning, former UK Ambassador to the United States of America
Senator Benjamin L Cardin, Ranking Member of the Senate Small Business Committee
Senator Ted Cruz, Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Senator Josh Hawley
Senator Edward J Markey, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy
Senator Robert Menendez, Ranking Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Senator Marco Rubio, Acting Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee
Congressman Robert B Aderholt
Congressman Ami Bera, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Non-proliferation, House Foreign Affairs Committee
Congressman Eliot L Engel, Chairman of US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs
Congressman Mike Gallagher
Congressman Vicky Hartzler
Congressman Michael T McCaul, ranking member of US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs
Congressman James McGovern, co-chair of the Congressional Executive Commission on China
Congressman Adam B Schiff, Chairman of the US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Congressman Adam Smith, Chairman of US House of Representatives Committee on Armed Services
Congressman Christopher Smith, former Chair of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee
Congressman Tom Suozzi
Congressman Ted Yoho, ranking member of the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Non-proliferation, US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs
Grover Joseph Rees, former USA Ambassador to East Timor
Petras Austrevicuis MEP (Renew Europe, Lithuania)
Jose Ramon Bauza Diaz MEP (Renew Europe, Spain)
Francois-Xavier Bellamy MEP (European People’s Party, France)
Vladimír Bilčík MEP (European People’s Party, Slovakia)
Reinhard Buetikofer MEP (Greens, Germany)
Katalin Cseh MEP (Renew Europe, Hungary)
Pascal Durand MEP (Renew Europe, France)
Engin Eroglu MEP (Renew Europe, Germany)
Anna Fotyga MEP, (European Conservatives & Reformists) Poland former Foreign Secretary of Poland
Michael Gahler MEP (European People’s Party, Germany)
Evelyne Gebhardt MEP (Socialists & Democrats, Germany)
Markéta Gregorová MEP (Greens, Czech Republic)
Bernard Guetta MEP (Renew Europe, France)
Rasa Jukneviciene MEP, (European People’s Party, Lithuania) former Minister of Defence of Lithuania and former President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly
Eugen Jurzyca MEP (European Conservatives & Reformists, Slovakia)
Karin Karlsbro MEP (Renew Europe, Sweden)
Moritz Körner MEP (Renew Europe, Germany)
Andrius Kibilius MEP (European People’s Party, Lithuania), former Prime Minister of Lithuania
Miriam Lexmann MEP (European People’s Party, Slovakia)
Javier Nart MEP (Renew Europe, Spain)
Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová MEP (European Conservatives & Reformists, Slovakia)
Urmas Paet MEP (Renew Europe, Estonia), former Foreign Secretary of Estonia
Peter Pollák MEP (European People’s Party, Slovakia)
Michaela Šojdrová MEP (European People’s Party, Czech Republic)
Ivan Štefanec MEP (European People’s Party, Slovakia)
Romana Tomc MEP (European People’s Party, Slovenia)
Hilde Vautmans MEP (Renew Europe, Belgium)
Guy Verhofstadt MEP (Renew Europe, Belgium), former Prime Minister of Belgium
Jan Figel, former Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia and EU Special Envoy for Promotion Freedom of Religion or Belief outside of the EU
Leona Alleslev, Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party and Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs
James Bezan, MP, Shadow Minister for National Defence
Kenny Chiu MP
Ed Fast MP
Garnett Genuis MP, Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism & Canada-China Relations
Erin O’Toole MP, Former Minister for Veterans Affairs
John Williamson MP
Members of the Senate
Senator Leo Housakos, former Speaker of the Senate
Senator Jim Munson
Senator Thanh Hai Ngo
Irwin Colter, former Minister of Justice and Attorney General
David Kilgour, former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific and former MP
Peter Mackay, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada
Bob Rae, former Premier of Ontario and Federal MP
Kevin Andrews MP, Former Australian Defence Minister, Chairman of the Human Rights sub-committee of the Australian Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade
Andrew Hastie MP, Chairman of the Parliamentary Joint Committee for Intelligence and Security, Australia
Ian Goodenough MP
Peter Khalil MP, Member of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade
Dave Sharma MP
Phillip Thompson MP, Member of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Tim Wilson MP
Members of the Senate
Senator Eric Abetz, former Leader of the Government in the Senate
Senator Alex Antic
Senator Slade Brockman
Senator Matthew Canavan, former Minister for Resources
Senator Claire Chandler
Senator David Fawcett, Chair of the Joint Standing Committee Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade, former Assistant Minister for Defence
Senator Kimberley Kitching, Shadow Assistant Minister for Government Accountability and member of the Joint Standing Committee Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade
Senator Matthew O’Sullivan
Senator James Paterson
Senator Tony Sheldon
Senator Amanda Stoker
Vicki Dunne, Deputy Speaker, Legislative Assembly for Australian Capital Territory
Janelle Saffin
Simeon Brown MP
Marama Davidson MP, co-leader of the Green Party
Simon O’Connor MP, Chair of the Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade Committee
Margarete Bause MP, Green Party Spokeswoman for Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid
Peter Heidt MP
Eckhard Gnodtke MP
Gyde Jensen MP, the Chair of the Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid Committee
Joar Forssell MP
Hampus Hagman MP
David Josefsson MP
Kerstin Lundgren MP
Frederik Malm MP
Niels Paarup-Petersen MP
Lorentz Tovatt MP
Viggo Fischer MP
Senator Ronan Mullen
Mantas Adomenas MP
Arvydas Anusauskas MP
Audronius Azubalis MP, former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Laurynas Kasciunas MP
Gabrielius Landsbergis MP
Radvilė Morkunaite-Mikuleniene MP
Emanuelis Zingeris MP, Chair of the Subcommittee on Transatlantic Relations and Democratic Development
Žygimantas Pavilionis MP, former Ambassador of Lithuania to the United States of America
Alojz Baránik MP
Ján Benčík MP
Peter Cmorej MP
Ondrej Dostál MP
Gábor Grendel MP, Deputy Speaker
Jarmila Halgašová MP
Radovan Kazda MP
Miroslav Kollár MP
Vladimíra Marcinková MP
Peter Osuský MP
Peter Pollák MP
Juraj Šeliga MP, Deputy Speaker
Andrej Stančík MP
Romana Tabák MP
Marián Viskupič MP
Anna Zemanová MP
Miroslav Žiak MP
Jana Žitňanská MP
František Šebej, former MP and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee
Jan Lipavsky MP
Andrew Khoo, Advocate and Solicitor, High Court of Malaya in Malaysia, former Co-Chair of the Human Rights Committee, Bar Council Malaysia
Charles Santiago MP, Chair of ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights
U Kyaw Min San, Member of the Bago Regional Parliament and former legal adviser to the International Commission of Jurists Office
Jung-Hoon Lee, former Ambassador for Human Rights
Dr John Dayal, former President of the All India Catholic Union and Member of the National Integration Council
Rafendi Djamin, former Representative of Indonesia to the ASEAN Inter-Governmental Commission on Human Rights
Yuyun Wahyuningrum, Representative of Indonesia to the ASEAN Inter-Governmental Commission on Human Rights
《Juan Guaido:Rise to the Challenge》加返廣東話字幕喇!
「委內瑞拉代總統Juan Guaido::國民唔堅持同覺悟,哪怕幾有執政意志,都可以係困局」
英國移民生活網 重要舊文重溫
double in c 在 cook kafemaru Youtube 的評價
板チョコで絶品濃厚!!ガトーショコラ バレンタインにも!
Chocolate Cake (Gateau au Chocolat Recipe)
Moist and thick chocolate cake.
The important point is not to bake too much!
I recommend this cake to chocolate lovers!
コツは焼きすぎないこと! 真ん中辺りがレアーに焼き上げられれば、絶品です^^
チャンネル登録お願いします♪ Subscribe to my channel
【Ingredients】18×8×5cm loaf pan
200g chocolate
100g Heavy Cream(35% fat )
2 Egg→Beaten egg
1tbsp cake flour
*non melting powdered sugar
Preparation: Chop up the chocolate and put it in a heat-resistant container.
Line the pan with parchment paper.
Preheat the oven at 170°C.
①Simmer the heavy cream in a pot.
②Pour the hot heavy cream onto the chocolate and leave it for a moment, then stir slowly and melt the chocolate completely.
(When the chocolate doesn't melt completely, use a double-boiler.)
③Stir well until it gets thick.
④Add the beaten egg some by some.
⑤Sift and add the cake flour, and mix well.
⑥Pour the mixture in the pan. Drop the pan a few times to get the air out.
⑦Bake it in the preheated oven (170℃) for 22-24 minutes.
⑧When it's baked, remove the cake from the pan and cool it.
⑨When the cake is completely cool, sprinkle non melting powdered sugar and serve!
【材料】18×8×5cm パウンド型(2cm幅でカットして9個取れます)
チョコレート 200g
生クリーム 100g(乳脂肪分35%のものを使っています)
薄力粉 大さじ1(9g)

double in c 在 serpentza Youtube 的評價
Traveller beware, China is a wonderful place to visit but you are very likely to get scammed, and not just the occasional traveller, everyone! Knowledge is Power, and even if you live here you have to be on your guard. Scamming is a part of daily life in one way or the other, but armed with this knowledge, you should be able to avoid the worst scams and have an amazing experience travelling throughout China.
Collin’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qrc0kN7OCRE&feature=youtu.be
⚫ Watch Conquering Southern China (my documentary) and see China like no one outside of China has ever seen it before: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/conqueringsouthernchina
⚫ Support me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/serpentza
Join me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/winstoninchina
Twitter: @serpentza
Instagram: serpent_za
My other channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/advchina
Music used: Kowloon City 2010
Artist's bandcamp: https://new-world.bandcamp.com/album/off-duty

double in c 在 ØZI Youtube 的評價
ØZI 首張全創作專輯 7 / 1 0 發行
Music & Lyrics by 詞曲: ØZI
Beat Produced by 編曲: ØZI
Producers製作人: ØZI, LilFu海大富, MCKY, Razor 剃刀蔣
Recording Engineer錄音師: Zachary Lin 林清智 @ How We Roll Music Studio好威龍音樂工作室
Mix 混音: Double
Visuals by 視覺: Tommy Trinh @ Formula Arts x ØZI
Stylist 造型: Victoria Loi
Lyrics 詞:
I flex hard I’m a diamond
Crush me all u want Imma take no damage
Bling bling bling
That’s how I be doing
You could call me HP
Printing paper by the minute
We going big
Reppin FP yeah we down with this business
Tracks go flame when I’m in it
Verse 1 (Chinese):
Young OZI right here
Check check
這個環境壞了 真的壞的太扯 god damn
Bout time to 改變遊戲規則
100-carat diamond
雲端 依然穩穩站著
You can’t see me coming I’m a 火影忍者
Gang gang gang gang
I’m makin bank bank bank
要走就走到飛 okay
忍術 火遁 豪火球之術
你吃驚 見識這本事
這實力 Eminem二世
像特技 帶這到極致
二十一 準備幹大事
到國際 從這台北市
穿Gucci 帶著金鏈子
我做beat 你們全都濕
Like Jay Z 開始造歷史
這使命 我扛一輩子
持續 突破 極致
That’s on every single song I spit
Oh yeah
I flex hard I’m a diamond
Crush me all you want imma take no damage
Bling bling bling
That’s how I be doing
You could call me HP
Printing paper by the minute
We going big
Reppin FP yea we down with dis business
Tracks go flame when I’m in it
Verse 2 (English):
I flex hard I’m a diamond
Spittin fire like a savage
You should quit rapping
Cut the jaw jack
Cuz your track wack
All of y’all flow trash
Come take me on a challenge
I’m on a rampage
I can’t hold back these emotions
Man I just can’t manage
You can’t imagine how a kid on this island can spit like a god
but it doesn’t matter
I’m no Marshall Mathers
I’m Lucious Lyon
Building my Empire
I’m gravity defying
like the Wright brothers
Told myself that Imma
go ahead and make a deal with Lucifer
I’m a deadly punisher
I got no mercy on this
lyric massacre
Man cuz low-key that’s my guilty pleasure
Let’s start it from the bottom
from the day I started rhyming
a disciple to the rhythm
I became addicted to this adrena-
line, and now I stand in front of
people doing what I've dreamed of,
hoping one day I could make it
matter fact, I'll make it happen
Cuz I promised mother that’ll make it far
Put some extra dollars in the cookie jar
And I’mma do it simply just by spittin bars
I’m still goin hard
Man I don't mess with y’all whack snitches
I can’t deal with your bullshit
I’ve been messing around with your main girl
Did you really think she been loyal?
Idiot sandwich
I’ll be grinding hard till I’m dumb rich
I’ll be making sure that my tracks lit
I’ll be ballin, selling out stadiums
I’m on it
I’m outta here
2018 Forbidden Paradise Music Co., Ltd. 新樂園音樂有限公司
ØZI: www.instagram.com/ozioffcl
MCKY: www.instagram.com/mckylin
Razor: www.instagram.com/razorchiang
NaUr: www.instagram.com/lilfu_hsu

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